Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Renaissance Bicycles, Hendersonville, NC

OK, now that we're on to vintage-y cool bikes, check out Renaissance Bikes, which we saw on dude's blog below. They are SO close to us doing such amazing things. They take a vintage frame and "Renaissance" it with mod components. This bike isn't one they added to when they sold it, but is HECKA cool! They have a de Rosa rode bike we collectively want.

Have we mentioned that we ride bikes?

When we lived in SF and NYC (and Oakland and CLT) we rode our bikes instead of driving. Really, we ONLY rode. It's a way of life. Andy found this blog bicycle design and we likey. This guy must be a designer and he has all sorts of in-the-know type stuff, like this NEW bike from Fuji. This particular model (2009 Connoisseur) looks exactly like the 1984 Peugeot Melinda rides & is apparently a new trend in bike designs. Kudos.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Lovely celluloid rings and blog too

Beautiful little baubles made from all kinds of celluloid objects: antique hand mirrors, piano keys, toothbrushes. Marina Granger forwarded them along. The blog attached to the same page is super interesting, look at the drivers licenses. Man, she knows some good looking folks.

Minneapolis Artist Bethany Kalk

Here is a garage door with a mural painting by Bethany Kalk. Her work is showing at mina dresden's gallery in SF and her work is very Bay Area aesthetic, but cooler because it's out of a great city in the Midwest!

Friday, September 26, 2008

New Idea for House Numbers

This is part of a pic that was in Maxwell's (from apartmenttherapy) email today - you can see his little head in it - and we thought that the numbers in the background would make amazing house numbers. They are seemingly made by russell+hazel, but nowhere to be found on their site. Oh well, cool idea up for grabs!

Brand New House for $100k?

This is a great concept that is debuting in Philly, a very cool city. Imagine being able to afford a brand new totally green-built house, especially in an innercity location! The project is called $100khouse.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

molo design - LOVE this company

And love these lamps! Molo Design has won several awards for designing "soft" walls/buildings for homeless that are completely retractable. Perfect for on-the-spot shelters. The same design extends to cool things like these lamps and also furniture.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Artist Jennifer McNeely

How much do we love the textural soft sculpture by Jennifer McNeely? She is a NW artist who shows all over the west coast. Her installations are made from almost anything - nylons, bras, fabric, tassels - all kinds of "women's" stuff. It's very touchy-feely, sometimes nice, sometimes kind of aggro. Her installations have the tendency to take over the exhibitions they're in. Nary a wallflower among them.

We've seen her at the Lab, at ConWorks, at 10 Dravus Gallery and at her studio.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

NYC Building Turned Single Family Home

This is an amazing concept -
turning a whole building into your home!
The family who lives there is adorable.
Take a look at the slide show.

Our Fave Shows

On the Fences

Love this idea for reusing scrap metal as fence material. The checkerboard pattern is a bit quiltish, but you could do a subway tile pattern or even vertical sections. The options are limitless. From apartmenttherapy.

Skinny Suits by Thick As Thieves

We heard about these suits from friend Steve W. in Wmsburg, Bklyn, but it's an LA company. They are so fresh & so clean.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Do you think Alaska woman qualified to be VP?

PBS is doing a poll which asks if Governor of Alaska is qualified to be VP. The right wing has organized a yes campaign--and the "yes" is at the moment winning. Take literally 2 seconds, go to PBS and vote!

88 Wins the Race!

Melinda's godfather's horse 88 wins by several hundred lengths!

Loving these shoes right now

Two Generations of Race Fans

How cute are these guys at the World of Outlaws race in Chico, CA?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Minimalist

Mark Bittman aka The Minimalist in the NYTimes food columns has the most amazingly simple and tasty recipes. If you don't know about him already, he's published every Wednesday and has short videos that accompany his recipes. We're having his Hainanese Chicken for dinner tonight.

C train to the airport.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Top 50 Shoe Icons

Check out Footwear News slideshow of the Top 50 Icons of footwear. How many have you worn?

Rikrit Tiravanija - Best bet for the weekend's art

Here is the weekend's best exhibition. It's in New York, so if you're there, go see it. The Drawing Center is an excellent venue and they're showing a performance artist's exhibit of drawings of political protests that he commissioned several Thai artists to complete for him. Is it art? He's so interesting & always makes us think!

Usually his work consists of his making a meal and feeding that meal to his guests. That's my kind of art.